Coefficient of variation number of disjunct core areas (Core area metric)
- landscape
A categorical raster object: SpatRaster; Raster* Layer, Stack, Brick; stars or a list of SpatRasters.
- directions
The number of directions in which patches should be connected: 4 (rook's case) or 8 (queen's case).
- consider_boundary
Logical if cells that only neighbour the landscape boundary should be considered as core
- edge_depth
Distance (in cells) a cell has the be away from the patch edge to be considered as core cell
$$DCORE_{CV} = cv(NCORE[patch_{ij}])$$ where \(NCORE[patch_{ij}]\) is the number of core areas.
DCORE_CV is an 'Core area metric'. It summarises the landscape as the Coefficient of variation of all patches belonging to the landscape. A cell is defined as core if the cell has no neighbour with a different value than itself (rook's case). NCORE counts the disjunct core areas, whereby a core area is a 'patch within the patch' containing only core cells. The metric describes the differences among all patches in the landscape and is easily comparable because it is scaled to the mean.
McGarigal K., SA Cushman, and E Ene. 2023. FRAGSTATS v4: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical Maps. Computer software program produced by the authors; available at the following web site: