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Euclidean distance to nearest neighbour


get_nearestneighbour(landscape, return_id = FALSE)



SpatRaster or matrix (with x,y,id columns).


If TRUE, also the patch ID of the nearest neighbour is returned.


Fast and memory safe Rcpp implementation for calculating the minimum Euclidean distances to the nearest patch of the same class in a raster or matrix. All patches need an unique ID (see get_patches). Please be aware that the patch ID is not identical to the patch ID of all metric functions (lsm_). If return_ID = TRUE, for some focal patches several nearest neighbour patches might be returned.

Because the metric is based on distances or areas please make sure your data is valid using check_landscape.


Based on RCpp code of Florian Privé


# get patches for class 1
landscape <- terra::rast(landscapemetrics::landscape)
class_1 <- get_patches(landscape, class = 2)[[1]][[1]]

# calculate the distance between patches
#> # A tibble: 13 × 3
#>    layer    id  dist
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     1    10  4.47
#>  2     1    11  5.83
#>  3     1    12  2.83
#>  4     1    13  4.12
#>  5     1    14  3   
#>  6     1    15  3   
#>  7     1    16  3.16
#>  8     1    17  3   
#>  9     1    18  3   
#> 10     1    19  2.83
#> 11     1    20  5.83
#> 12     1    21  2.83
#> 13     1    22  3   
get_nearestneighbour(class_1, return_id = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 4
#>    layer    id  dist id_neighbour
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1     1    10  4.47           14
#>  2     1    11  5.83           13
#>  3     1    12  2.83           19
#>  4     1    13  4.12           12
#>  5     1    14  3              15
#>  6     1    15  3              14
#>  7     1    16  3.16           15
#>  8     1    17  3              18
#>  9     1    18  3              12
#> 10     1    18  3              17
#> 11     1    19  2.83           12
#> 12     1    19  2.83           21
#> 13     1    20  5.83           22
#> 14     1    21  2.83           19
#> 15     1    22  3              19