This function allows you to calculate the shape index, which is the ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch. The minimum perimeter equals the perimeter if the patch would be maximally compact. That means, the perimeter of a circle with the same area of the patch.

vm_p_shape(landscape, class_col = NULL, patch_col = NULL)



the input landscape image,


the name of the class column of the input landscape


the name of the id column of the input landscape


the function returns tibble with the calculated values in column "value", this function returns also some important information such as level, class, patch id and metric name.


vm_p_shape(vector_patches, "class", "patch")
#> # A tibble: 40 × 5
#>    level class id    metric value
#>    <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>  <dbl>
#>  1 patch 1     11    shape   1.66
#>  2 patch 1     12    shape   1.37
#>  3 patch 1     13    shape   1.51
#>  4 patch 1     14    shape   1.41
#>  5 patch 1     15    shape   1.13
#>  6 patch 1     16    shape   1.13
#>  7 patch 1     17    shape   1.13
#>  8 patch 1     18    shape   1.15
#>  9 patch 1     19    shape   1.13
#> 10 patch 1     20    shape   1.13
#> # ℹ 30 more rows