level name short_name function_name type description
patch area area vm_p_area area and edge metric patch area in hectares
patch core area index cai vm_p_cai core area metric ratio of the core area and the area in square meters
patch circularity circ vm_p_circ shape metric ratio between area of polygon and area of equal-perimeter circle
patch CIRCLE circle vm_p_circle shape metric ratio between the patch area and the smallest circumscribing circle of the patch
patch cohesion index coh_idx vm_p_coh shape metric ratio of the average distance-squared among all points in an equal-area circle and the average distance-squared among all points in the shape
patch compactness compact vm_p_comp shape metric form factor calculated from equation: sqrt(4 * area / pi) / perimeter
patch convexity convex vm_p_convex shape metric ratio between perimeter of convex hull and perimeter of polygon
patch core area core vm_p_core core area metric core area in hectares
patch detour index detour_idx vm_p_detour shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of convex hull of polygon
patch elongation elong vm_p_elong shape metric ratio between major and minor axis length
patch euclidean nearest-neighbor distance enn vm_p_enn aggregation metric edge-to-edge distance to the nearest neighbouring patch of the same class in meters
patch equivalent rectangular index eri vm_p_eri shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area rectangle of shape and perimeter of shape
patch exchange index exchange_idx vm_p_exchange shape metric share of the total area of the shape that is inside the equal-area circle around its centroid
patch fractal dimension index frac vm_p_frac shape metric based on the patch perimeter and the patch area and describes the patch complexity
patch fullness index full_idx vm_p_fullness shape metric ratio between the average fullness of small neighbourhoods (1% of area) in the shape and in its equal-area circle
patch girth index girth_idx vm_p_girth shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and radius of equal-area circle
patch number of disjunct core area ncore vm_p_ncore core area metric number of disjunct core areas
patch perimeter-area ratio perarea vm_p_perarea shape metric ratio between the patch perimeter and area
patch perimeter index perim_idx vm_p_perim_idx shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of polygon
patch perimeter perim vm_p_perim area and edge metric patch perimeter
patch proximity index proxim_idx vm_p_proxim shape metric ratio between average distance from all points of equal-area circle to its center and average distance from all points of shape to its center
patch range index range_idx vm_p_range shape metric ratio between diameter of equal-area circle and diameter of smallest circumscribing circle
patch rectangularity rect vm_p_rect shape metric ratio between area of shape and area of minimum area bounding rectangle (MABR)
patch roughness index rough_idx vm_p_rough shape metric index calculated from area and perimeter of shape, as well as from average distance from edge of shape to its centroid
patch SHAPE shape vm_p_shape shape metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
patch solidity solid vm_p_solid shape metric ratio between area of convex hull and area of polygon
patch sphericity sphere vm_p_sphere shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and minimum circumscribing circle
patch squareness square vm_p_square shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area square of shape and perimeter of shape
class coefficient of variation of patch areas at class level area_cv vm_c_area_cv area and edge metric patch areas in hectares
class mean value of patch areas at class level area_mn vm_c_area_mn area and edge metric patch areas in hectares
class standard deviation of patch areas at class level area_sd vm_c_area_sd area and edge metric patch areas in hectares
class total area of each class ca vm_c_ca area and edge metric class areas in hectares
class coefficient of variation of core area index values at class level cai_cv vm_c_cai_cv core area metric ratio of the core area and the area
class mean value of core area index at class level cai_mn vm_c_cai_mn core area metric ratio of the core area and the area
class standard deviation of core area index values at class level cai_sd vm_c_cai_sd core area metric ratio of the core area and the area
class mean value of circularity at class level circ_mn vm_c_circ_mn shape metric ratio between area of polygon and area of equal-perimeter circle
class coefficient of variation of CIRCLE values at class level circle_cv vm_c_circle_cv shape metric ratio between the patch area and the smallest circumscribing circle of the patch
class mean value of CIRCLE at class level circle_mn vm_c_circle_mn shape metric ratio between the patch area and the smallest circumscribing circle of the patch
class standard deviation of CIRCLE values at class level circle_sd vm_c_circle_sd shape metric ratio between the patch area and the smallest circumscribing circle of the patch
class mean value of cohesion index at class level coh_mn vm_c_coh_mn shape metric ratio of the average distance-squared among all points in an equal-area circle and the average distance-squared among all points in the shape
class mean value of compactness at class level comp_mn vm_c_comp_mn shape metric form factor calculated from equation: sqrt(4 * area / pi) / perimeter
class mean value of convexity at class level conv_mn vm_c_convex_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of convex hull and perimeter of polygon
class coefficient of variation of core area values at class level core_cv vm_c_core_cv core area metric core area in hectares
class mean value of core area at class level core_mn vm_c_core_mn core area metric core area in hectares
class standard deviation of core area values at class level core_sd vm_c_core_sd core area metric core area in hectares
class core area percentage of landscape in each class cpland vm_c_cpland core area metric total core area of each class in relation to landscape area
class disjunct core area density of each class DCAD vm_c_dcad core area metric number of disjunct core areas per 100 ha relative to the total area
class coefficient of variation of number of disjunct core areas in each class dcore_cv vm_c_dcore_cv core area metric -
class mean value of number of disjunct core areas in each class dcore_mn vm_c_dcore_mn core area metric -
class standard deviation of number of disjunct core areas in each class dcore_sd vm_c_dcore_sd core area metric -
class mean value of detour index at class level detour_mn vm_c_detour_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of convex hull of polygon
class landscape division index of each class division vm_c_division aggregation metric sum of squared ratios between the patch area and class area
class edge density of each class ED vm_c_ed area and edge metric sum of all edges of class in relation to the landscape area
class mean value of elongation at class level elong_mn vm_c_elong_mn shape metric ratio between major and minor axis length
class coefficient of variation of euclidean nearest-neighbor distance at class level enn_cv vm_c_enn_cv aggregation metric edge-to-edge distance to the nearest neighbouring patch of the same class in meters
class mean value of euclidean nearest-neighbor distance at class level enn_mn vm_c_enn_mn aggregation metric edge-to-edge distance to the nearest neighbouring patch of the same class in meters
class standard deviation of euclidean nearest-neighbor distance at class level enn_sd vm_c_enn_sd aggregation metric edge-to-edge distance to the nearest neighbouring patch of the same class in meters
class mean value of equivalent rectangular index at class level eri_mn vm_c_eri_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area rectangle of shape and perimeter of shape
class mean value of exchange index at class level exchange_mn vm_c_exchange_mn shape metric share of the total area of the shape that is inside the equal-area circle around its centroid
class coefficient of variation of fractal dimension index at class level frac_cv vm_c_frac_cv shape metric based on the patch perimeter and the patch area and describes the patch complexity
class mean value of fractal dimension index at class level frac_mn vm_c_frac_mn shape metric based on the patch perimeter and the patch area and describes the patch complexity
class standard deviation of fractal dimension index at class level frac_sd vm_c_frac_sd shape metric based on the patch perimeter and the patch area and describes the patch complexity
class mean value of fullness index at class level full_mn vm_c_fullness_mn shape metric ratio between the average fullness of small neighbourhoods (1% of area) in the shape and in its equal-area circle
class fullness index of aggregated patches of each class full_idx vm_c_fullness aggregation metric ratio between the average fullness of small neighbourhoods (1% of area) in the aggregated patches of the class and in their equal-area circle
class mean value of girth index at class level girth_mn vm_c_girth_mn shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and radius of equal-area circle
class largest patch index at class level lpi vm_c_lpi area and edge metric percentage of the landscape covered by the corresponding largest patch of each class
class landscape shape index at class level lsi vm_c_lsi aggregation metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
class effective mesh size at class level mesh vm_c_mesh aggregation metric -
class number of disjunct core area in each class ndca vm_c_ndca core area metric number of disjunct core areas
class number of patches in each class np vm_c_np aggregation metric number of patches
class patch density at class level pd vm_c_pd aggregation metric number of patches in class standardized to the area of class
class coefficient of variation of perimeter-area ratio at class level perarea_cv vm_c_perarea_cv shape metric ratio between the patch perimeter and area
class mean value of perimeter-area ratio at class level perarea_mn vm_c_perarea_mn shape metric ratio between the patch perimeter and area
class standard deviation of perimeter-area ratio at class level perarea_sd vm_c_perarea_sd shape metric ratio between the patch perimeter and area
class mean value of perimeter index at class level perim_mn vm_c_perim_idx_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of polygon
class percentage of landscape of class pland vm_c_pland area and edge metric
class mean value of proximity index at class level proxim_mn vm_c_proxim_mn shape metric ratio between average distance from all points of equal-area circle to its center and average distance from all points of shape to its center
class mean value of range index at class level range_mn vm_c_range_mn shape metric ratio between diameter of equal-area circle and diameter of smallest circumscribing circle
class mean value of rectangularity at class level rect_mn vm_c_rect_mn shape metric ratio between area of shape and area of minimum area bounding rectangle (MABR)
class mean value of roughness index at class level rough_mn vm_c_rough_mn shape metric index calculated from area and perimeter of shape, as well as from average distance from edge of shape to its centroid
class coefficient of variation of shape index at class level shape_cv vm_c_shape_cv shape metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
class mean value of shape index at class level shape_mn vm_c_shape_mn shape metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
class standard deviation of shape index at class level shape_sd vm_c_shape_sd shape metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
class mean value of solidity at class level solid_mn vm_c_solid_mn shape metric ratio between area of convex hull and area of polygon
class mean value of sphercity at class level sphere_mn vm_c_sphere_mn shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and minimum circumscribing circle
class splitting index split vm_c_split aggregation metric number of patches if all patches of class would be divided into equally sized patches
class mean value of squareness at class level square_mn vm_c_square_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area square of shape and perimeter of shape
class total core area of each class tca vm_c_tca core area metric core area in hectares
class total edge length of each class te vm_c_te area and edge metric sum of all edges of class in meters
landscape mean value of patch areas at landscape level area_mn vm_l_area_mn area and edge metric patch areas in hectares
landscape mean value of core area index at landscape level cai_mn vm_l_cai_mn core area metric ratio of the core area and the area
landscape mean value of circularity at landscape level circ_mn vm_l_circ_mn shape metric ratio between area of polygon and area of equal-perimeter circle
landscape mean value of cohesion index at landscape level coh_mn vm_l_coh_mn shape metric ratio of the average distance-squared among all points in an equal-area circle and the average distance-squared among all points in the shape
landscape mean value of compactness at landscape level comp_mn vm_l_comp_mn shape metric form factor calculated from equation: sqrt(4 * area / pi) / perimeter
landscape mean value of convexity at landscape level conv_mn vm_l_conv_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of convex hull and perimeter of polygon
landscape mean value of patch core areas at landscape level core_mn vm_l_core_mn core area metric core area in hectares
landscape disjunct core area density of the landscape dcad vm_l_dcad core area metric number of disjunct core areas per 100 ha relative to the total area
landscape mean value of number of core areas in landscape dcore_mn vm_l_dcore_mn core area metric -
landscape mean value of detour index at landscape level detour_mn vm_l_detour_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of convex hull of polygon
landscape division index of the landscape division vm_l_division aggregation metric sum of squared ratios between the patch area and class area
landscape edge density of the landscape ed vm_l_ed area and edge metric sum of all edges of class in relation to the landscape area
landscape mean value of elongation at landscape level elong_mn vm_l_elong_mn shape metric ratio between major and minor axis length
landscape mean value of equivalent rectangular index at landscape level eri_mn vm_l_eri_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area rectangle of shape and perimeter of shape
landscape mean value of exchange index at landscape level exchange_mn vm_l_exchange_mn shape metric share of the total area of the shape that is inside the equal-area circle around its centroid
landscape mean value of fractal dimension index at landscape level frac_mn vm_l_frac_mn shape metric based on the patch perimeter and the patch area and describes the patch complexity
landscape mean value of fullness index at landscape level full_mn vm_l_fullness_mn shape metric ratio between the average fullness of small neighbourhoods (1% of area) in the shape and in its equal-area circle
landscape fullness index of aggregated patches of landscape full_index vm_l_fullness aggregation metric ratio between the average fullness of small neighbourhoods (1% of area) in the aggregated patches of the landscape and in its equal-area circle
landscape mean value of girth index at landscape level girth_mn vm_l_girth_mn shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and radius of equal-area circle
landscape largest patch index lpi vm_l_lpi area and edge metric percentage of the landscape covered by the largest patch in the landscape
landscape landscape shape index lsi vm_l_lsi aggregation metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
landscape effective mesh size mesh vm_l_mesh aggregation metric -
landscape modified Simpson’s diversity index msidi vm_l_msidi diversity metric -
landscape modified Simpson’s evenness index msiei vm_l_msiei diversity metric -
landscape number of disjunct core area in the landscape ndca vm_l_ndca core area metric number of disjunct core areas
landscape number of patches in landscape np vm_l_np aggregation metric number of patches
landscape perimeter-area fractal dimension pafrac vm_l_pafrac shape metric -
landscape patch density in the landscape pd vm_l_pd aggregation metric number of patches in landscape standardized to the area of that landscape
landscape mean value of perimeter-area ratio at landscape level perarea_mn vm_l_perarea_mn shape metric ratio between the patch perimeter and area
landscape mean value of perimeter index at landscape level perim_mn vm_l_perim_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area circle and perimeter of polygon
landscape patch richness pr vm_l_pr diversity metric number of classes in the landscape
landscape patch richness density prd vm_l_prd diversity metric number of classes in landscape standardized to the area of that landscape
landscape mean value of proximity index at landscape level proxim_mn vm_l_proxim_mn shape metric ratio between average distance from all points of equal-area circle to its center and average distance from all points of shape to its center
landscape mean value of range index at landscape level range_mn vm_l_range_mn shape metric ratio between diameter of equal-area circle and diameter of smallest circumscribing circle
landscape mean value of rectangularity at landscape level rect_mn vm_l_rect_mn shape metric ratio between area of shape and area of minimum area bounding rectangle (MABR)
landscape mean value of roughness index at landscape level rough_mn vm_l_rough_mn shape metric index calculated from area and perimeter of shape, as well as from average distance from edge of shape to its centroid
landscape relative patch richness rpr vm_l_rpr diversity metric percentage of present classes in the landscape in relation to a (theoretical) number of maximum classes
landscape mean value of shape index at landscape level shape_mn vm_l_shape_mn shape metric ratio between the actual perimeter of the patch and the hypothetical minimum perimeter of the patch
landscape Shannon’s diversity index at landscape level shdi vm_l_shdi diversity metric -
landscape Shannon’s evenness index at landscape level shei vm_l_shei diversity metric -
landscape Simpson’s diversity index at landscape level sidi vm_l_sidi diversity metric -
landscape Simpson’s evenness index at landscape level siei vm_l_siei diversity metric -
landscape mean value of solidity at landscape level solid_mn vm_l_solid_mn shape metric ratio between area of convex hull and area of polygon
landscape mean value of sphercity at landscape level sphere_mn vm_l_sphere_mn shape metric ratio between radius of maximum inscribed circle and minimum circumscribing circle
landscape splitting index split vm_l_split aggregation metric number of patches if all patches the landscape would be divided into equally sized patches
landscape mean value of squareness at landscape level square_mn vm_l_square_mn shape metric ratio between perimeter of equal-area square of shape and perimeter of shape
landscape total area of the landscape ta vm_l_ta area and edge metric landscape area in hectares
landscape total core area of the landscape tca vm_l_tca core area metric core area in hectares
landscape total edge length in the landscape te vm_l_te area and edge metric sum of all edges of class in meters